November 2014
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System Tuning » Cleaning and Tweaking » Unlocker

Unlocker 1.9.2

Unlocker 1.9.2

Product: Empty Loop
License: Freeware
Date: 8-02-2014, 18:27

( 1.20 MB )

Unlocker is really tiny, but extremely useful utility – it will help you get access to the files that are “locked” – when certain programs use your files you might not be able to rename, move, or delete them. If you don’t want to reboot your computer every time you see the “Cannot delete file: Access is denied” message, then all you need is Unlocker. Once installed, you can simply right-click on the file or folder and are then presented with three options: Kill Process, Unlock, and Unlock All - once you make your choice, you are again in full control of your files.

As you could imagine, Unlocked does not have a dedicated interface that you can call up on your own. You can access a small dashboard whenever you want to unlock a file,. This dashboard will show you information about the file (its Name, Path, PID, Handle and Process Path) and simple tools to either unlock or stop this process, enabling you full access to do whatever you want with that file (copy, move, delete). This incredibly simple approach enables users of all technical knowledge levels to easily get full control over all files on their PC, although novices are recommended not to use this tool to access and disturb core system files that are protected inside Windows directory or core files of the apps that you use on daily basis.

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